In Canada, farmers manage family farms so that they do not employ workers, as the labour force generates high costs. The 75 cows are serviced by 1.5 employees. Most of the cowsheds are in tie-stall barn type and milking is performed with a wire milking machine. The annual yield is more than 14,000 litres per cow, which can be kept for up to 5 lactations. Electric trainers are used at the stalls to keep the animals clean. The farmers take care of a high level of welfare, hygiene of the building and the animals, and the looks of the cows (clean, trimmed), as the cowshed is kind of a showroom- a place to make transactions with merchants. All this is because the production of calves, heifers and primiparous cows for further breeding is more profitable than milk production. Due to the need to independently handle animals, problems with the reproduction of high yielding cows and the manifestation of heat, breeders need advanced solutions that will improve breeding efficiency even in difficult working conditions.rozrodu.
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