Dairy cows inseminated on hot summer days show a noticeable deterioration in fertility, which is perfectly visible from February to April, when there are significantly less calves born than in the other months of the year. Heat stress disrupts the production of hormones, impairs the mechanism of ovulation, which leads to a decrease in the quality of oocytes and a worsening of embryo viability, in an unfavorable environment for implantation of the uterus. Omitting heat extends the inter-calving period, reduces milk production and affects the health of the herd for the upcoming months.
It is recommended to use a cooling system, special feed supplements and gonadotropin, which stimulates proper follicle growth and stimulates ovulation. In the summer there is also a significant intensification of field work, during which farmers do not have time to catch heat and observe the herd. e-stado is providing precise monitoring of cow behavior while controlling feeding, reproduction and heat stress 24/7.